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We care about our families and yours, our town, our state and our nation.

Email us at: NeedhamRepublicans@GoogleGroups.Com

Massachusetts General Laws Part I Title VIII Chapter 52 Section 2 allows each Political Party to create a town committee with up to thirty-five members duly registered in that party. The committee’s purpose is to promote the party’s ideals and work to elect party nominees.


Initially united in 1854 by the promise to abolish slavery, the Republican Party has always stood for freedom, prosperity, and opportunity.

The Needham Republican Town Committee promotes the traditional Republican values of fiscal responsibility, school choice, medical freedom, voter ID, border security, and law and order.

The Needham Republican Town Committee works to grow the Party, promote civic action, and elect Republicans who are committed to these principles up and down the ballot.

Latest News, Town Meeting Members, Town Boards Commissions and Committees, and other Links!

The News You Need(ham) – to enroll in the newsletter, Sign Up Form, click here.

The Needham Observer: Since Needham lost its local newspaper and has been without an independent local news source, many of us have been feeling we don’t know what’s happening in our town. In response to the need for news, a small group of local journalists and engaged residents came together to create the Needham Observer.

Town Meeting Members: We encourage you to get to know your town meeting members. Each voter precinct has up to 24 elected town meeting members. Follow this link below to locate your representative members. 

Town Meeting Candidates: We encourage you to run for town meeting. Click here for a copy of the handbook.

Town Boards, Commissions, and Committees documents including not only Minutes and Agendas but also newsletters, reports, decisions, and information specific to the Boards, Commissions, and Committees link

Select Board: To send a message to all Select Board members via email, please email

Norfolk County Republican PAC

Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050


If you would like to join, kindly email/apply for membership at

The Republican Town Committee is comprised of Needham residents who are registered as Republicans and are committed to improving our Town.


We normally meet monthly with some special events added in the summer.

Next general membership meeting is scheduled for:

Meeting location will be provided upon RSVP- 6:30PM Meeting, 8PM Adjourn.

RSVP TO: NeedhamRepublicans@GoogleGroups.Com

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining our Committee or attending our meetings, please email: NeedhamRepublicans@GoogleGroups.Com

Contribute by mailing a check to: 
Needham Republican Town Committee
P.O. BOX 920788
Needham, MA  02492